Lessons from an introverted leader

Monday, July 22, 2024

*This article was originally published on Medium and reshared with permission of the author.

As an introverted engineer and consultant, Sheila Gemin, Global Head Corporate Technology at ING, never felt comfortable in the spotlight. But becoming an entrepreneur and a leader taught her that visibility is more than just being seen—it’s about sharing stories and empowering others.

‘You need to increase your visibility – It will pay off!’ That was the command I heard year after year while working as an engineer and management consultant at a large consulting firm. I never understood what it meant. Was I supposed to raise my voice at every meeting or spotlight my accomplishments? Should I wear different clothing or change my appearance?

Now, many years later, I still struggle with the term ‘visibility’. When you do your work and do it right, visibility should come naturally, right? Here is where you miss a crucial step: communication. Doing the right things doesn’t automatically make you visible. You need to be vocal and share accomplishments that are worth sharing. As a leader, you need to be mindful of doing the same for your teams.

Let’s start at the beginning: I am the only girl in a family of four. My parents always encouraged us to excel in education and life, so as a child, I could be found in the library, reading two books each week. As I grew, I decided to study computer science, a field where I could think, connect the dots, solve problems, and, yes, be independent. I am an introvert. I do not like to be the center of attention, and I hate it when the spotlight is shining brightly on me.

Now, however, it very much does shine on me. And that is okay.

Increasing Visibility

Becoming an entrepreneur placed me right in the spotlight and increased my visibility in the area of endurance sports. When I became Global president of the Professional Women Network, that spotlight became even brighter, and my visibility as president of PWN increased. Currently, I am back in the corporate world, and I use social platforms to share my thoughts and musings, hoping to encourage others. I thrive when I can write and hope to make an impact. Communicating in groups costs me energy, there my introverted side kicks in. The older I get, the more I like to step back and observe, process, with the result that my visibility on socials is way larger than within the company I work.

Visibility on Stage

When I address an audience, I always try to work with the energy in the room. I feel quite relaxed in front of a crowd. That is not something that comes naturally for an introvert but is the result of many hours of practice. For the last 15 years, I have been working weekly with large audiences for three-hour sessions. I have had to connect, present, educate, interact, and entertain people. As a result, I know my weak points, I know how to deal with my insecurities, how to take harsh criticism, and how to build on the energy that is already in the room. I realize that people not only want to hear the content but also want to feel connected to the person presenting it. So tap into your own energy, breathe, and see yourself as the instrument delivering the message, where the impact of the message is determined by the messenger.

For me, this is always hard work, and I need my downtime to regenerate. At the beginning of my career, I struggled to connect with the language. English is my second language, and my Dutch-thinking brain works fast, even for Dutch people. Translating my Dutch thoughts into English words in a nanosecond is hard work. However, practice helps a lot with that.


When your visibility grows with the attainment of a job, a title, or accomplishment, it comes with responsibilities. You have to be fully aware of who and what you are representing and of the image you are creating of yourself and the company or initiative you are representing. Preparation is key. Know what you are going to say and keep your calm in exciting and nerve-wracking situations. This applies not just to personal settings but also to your posts on social media. Is it in line with the image you want to cultivate? Visibility is necessary to get things done, and the way you are visible both inside and outside your network determines a great deal of your success.

So, what does being visible mean from my point of view?

  • Being visible is not about you: It is all about helping others through visibility and using it to share a purpose. Use your strengths to serve others. Visibility becomes effective when it is not about you. If you can create a platform for others to excel and shine, it will have a resulting effect on yourself. Constantly highlighting your own accomplishments will get boring and create more distance instead of connection and attraction.
  • Visibility is vulnerability: Being visible also makes you more vulnerable. Realize that being vulnerable is a strength. If you are struggling in the spotlight, you have the opportunity to connect on a deeper level with your audience. If I am not feeling well, if I am nervous or feeling insecure, I share that with my audience and make them part of what is going on for me and how it affects me. That creates an atmosphere in which it is okay and relatable to be vulnerable.
  • Visibility is often attached to a role, accomplishment, trait, or subject: Do not go out there being visible just to be visible. Determine for yourself how you want to be remembered and make it purposeful. Ask questions, be supportive, and always be prepared.
  • Visibility only works in the long term when it is authentic: People see through inauthenticity. Put yourself out there, get in the spotlight, but only if it is for a cause that burns inside of you. People will notice that and remember you, and your message, for it.
  • Be prepared for backlash: When you become visible, be prepared to absorb backlash and jealousy. Unfortunately, you can’t please everyone. While you might inspire some, others may use your visibility to discredit your intentions or efforts. This is hard to digest. Focus on your cheerleaders and ask for feedback.
  • You have to look the part: Your presentation should reflect your beliefs, passion, and hard work. If I chaired a board meeting wearing my workout clothes, it would have a humorous effect, and the people who know me would not mind because they know I am a seasoned triathlete. However, it might still have a certain unconscious effect. Non-verbal communication is important in how we are perceived.

So yes, being visible is something I enjoy and consider very important for the organizations I represent. Moreover, it comes with quite some responsibilities, insecurities, and opportunities. Remember to be visible for a cause – your cause.

Be passionate for the greater good; and visibility will come naturally to you.